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Refer a case



The Mind Vet Ltd offers behavioural medicine referrals across the whole of the UK - since most of the consultations are done remotely, this enables us to help pet owners irrespective of their location. Referrals outside of the UK are not currently accepted.

In order to proceed with the referral, please fill out the form below. If you prefer, you can send us an email to

Please remember that a true mental/behavioural disorder is a diagnosis of exclusion. All pets should have a full clinical examination prior to referral to rule out common causes of behavioural changes (eg. pain, skin disease, gastro-intestinal disorders, skeletal/joint disease, hypo/hyperthyroidism, infectious diseases). Complete blood work is also advised prior to referral, as this may help rule out concurrent illnesses and could help make important decisions regarding treatment options. It also provides us with a baseline to which future results can be compared with.

Please also forward a copy of the pet's clinical history and relevant blood results via email upon referral.

By sending this information to The Mind Vet, it is assumed you acquired your client's consent to do so. We will contact your client directly using the contact details provided. A report will be forwarded to the referring vet's email address upon completion of each consultation.

Please confirm you have sent the following information via email to :

Thank you for your referral. We will contact your client within the next 5 working days.

Make an Appointment: Make an Appointment
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